Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Review

I could have begin here with openers, breathtaking lines or even quotes from the movie itself, but that’s not my intention, at all. I’m here to defend what I loved, and what you’ll love too. But before you step into the cinema hall to complete your urge for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie, you need to love our two prime characters. Didn’t make sense? Let’s dive into the details!

I’m too far away from being a movie critic, or even a reviewer, but I live in a free country and have a right to share what I just experienced. The trilogy work by Christopher Nolan was pure art and that’s the first three chapters you need to watch.

However, in the Superman case, you don’t need to watch all its movies, as the last one, Man of Steel, directed by Zack Snyder himself, will be enough to get you ready with the homework.

Done with them? Let’s start with the Batman v Superman movie now.

Batman vs Superman Batsuit

I’ve been on both sides, DC and Marvels and have watched most of the TV series, and movies aired on their characters. And, so far, I’ve come to the following conclusion.

Marvel’s characters are funny, adorable, super cool, but the DC ones are hardcore, dark, and complicated.

This conclusion itself can justify those negative reviews DC Comics character based movies usually get, as not everyone has time to get into the dark fantasy world, and experience a dilemma, whether to hate a bad character or love it.

The same thing happens with this film too. The first half puts up the story in the main frame, detailing our prime characters, their growing hatred for each other, a weird psychotic character, Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg), and an always hideous entry of  Diana Prince, a.k.a. Wonder Woman (played by my favorite Gal Gadot).

I personally felt that movie wasn’t complete, as it left few things unexplained, specifically in the first half. Or maybe it was done intentionally to check our love for the characters (how things usually work in DC Universe). And, this is also the reason why one might find the first half boring and unrelated scenes.

The story itself was already ruined by the second trailer, airing the major villain, Doomsday. And I always felt that I shouldn’t have watched it, as it would have left a major surprise for me.

However, the movie still has fight scenes between the Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne (played by Ben Affleck) and Superman, a.k.a. Clark Kent (played by Henry Cavill), which are both heroic and impressive enough to satisfy our greed.

Batman v Superman dawn of justice review

Now, how the story builds up from where it was left in the individual world of our prime characters, how and why they get into fight multiple times (sorry if spoiled), and where it ends, is all worth watching.

Personally, this movie was a relief, as it didn’t pack any totally-out-of-the-earth or those “unbelievable” actions scenes, in spite of having a vigilante superhero, two aliens, and a meta-human.

Coming to the part which I didn’t appreciate much was the soundtrack, but it was still ok.

Being a Batman fan, I really liked his courage to fight against the likes of a God character and also the Doomsday itself. Like always, he again finds new fear and then try to overcome it. Watching this movie for all those efforts itself was worth. Also, his new armour loaded suit was freaking awesome!

Finally, this movie doesn’t end anything, rather, is a seed for bigger tree ahead.

And yes, this movie will reveal that our superheroes do know each other email IDs.

Should I Watch Batman v Superman?

Are you kidding? I wrote this whole review to prove a point! Didn’t get it? Check out my tweet.

Go ahead and experience the film. It will be a big miss, otherwise! And, if those critics reviews made you feel furious, come back and share your experience in the discussion section below. Let’s pin this genuine review everywhere.


PS – In case you still think otherwise, this film wasn’t for you. Go away and watch either daily soaps or adorable Marvel movies.